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Rah rah sis boom bah! It’s that time of the year again. Every weekend for the next 180 or so days will have a football game to watch. And, with football – high school, college, or pro – comes the opportunity to tailgate. Brats, beer, tacos,

beer, you name it, beer. It’s on the grill and on its way to your stomach. You know what else is gettin’ served up? An upset stomach, a headache, too much sun, lost sunglasses, a hoarse voice, and much, much more.

Here are some useful tips to ensure your pre-game doesn’t go from “Go team!” to “I gotta go!”

According to SafeBee’s post there are three primary hazards to tailgating: foodborne illnesses, alcohol, and a hot grill. Raw meat, undercooked meat, and food left out too long (think mayo-based dip) can all contribute to not feeling well at halftime.

Everyone’s tolerance is different, so be careful when consuming food that’s suspect. And no, those Fireball shots aren’t going to kill all the bugs. And speaking of, copious amounts of alcohol may leave you feeling pretty crappy before the first extra point. So plan accordingly. Sub a water in between every beer or two and make sure to keep your wits. Confined spaces plus folding tables and lots of trip hazards leaves you exposed to getting sacked by…yourself.

Finally, nothing tastes as good as a grilled burger or dog on game day. Not only does it taste good, but it also puts something in your stomach 

to soak up the beer. (Some call it droppin’ a sponge.) But, nothing hurts like a burn. Bump or lean against the grill and your day may be finished. SafeBee recommends staging your grill away from foot traffic and 6 feet from your car. And, handle your propane or charcoal properly when winding things down. Don’t be this guy.

Final thoughts: In the South, football starts in August and it’s hot, real hot, and the sun is beating down mercilessly. Sunscreen. Bring it. You’re welcome.

And make, sure to check the weather. Global weirding is causing rain at unexpected times. Ponchos are a must. Small and lightweight, they’re easy to carry. Anything else? Ear plugs to prevent the guy next to you blowing out your eardrum. Stall Mates for the porta-potty. A corkscrew, because somebody’s mom brought wine. To a tailgate? Come on!

At AAACK! we love football, and we worry about these things, too. That’s why our customizable AAACK! Packs will help ensure your tailgate scores big with all your fans.


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