It’s graduation season (yay grads!) and with this, comes gifts! Lots and lots of gifts. And no, I’m not talking about receiving them, I’m talking about giving them. And if you’re like the rest of us, knowing what to give them is almost as challenging as sitting through that dreaded graduation ceremony.
So I’m going to make this really easy on you and give you the top five gifts that grads actually want, that they’ll actually use, and that won’t break the bank.
- Keurig – It’s affordable, compact and perfect for their new apartment/home. And let’s face it, they’ll need lots of coffee because they just haven’t quite adjusted to that 9-to-5 schedule.
- The New York Times: 36 Hours USA and Canada, 2nd Edition – While these grads are busy getting some time under their belt at work so they can take some days off to vacation, they can daydream about the trips they will go on. Click here to buy!
- A Weekender Bag – With all their friends going different directions after college, they’ll all be taking weekend trips to visit each other. A nice weekender bag will make the trip that much easier!
- Nice bottle of liquor – They mastered the art of drinking in college (yeah, right) but have they mastered the art of making a good cocktail? Give them a nice bottle of something and they’ll have a reason to host a cocktail party. Because “adulting,” right?
- Bed Bath & Beyond gift card – The holy grail of retail stores for all your essential home décor. Whether the gift card is worth $50 or $500, they’re guaranteed to find something to make their new place a bit homier.
6. AAACK! Pack – Okay, we aren’t bias (okay maybe a little, but who could blame us). We all get sick and frankly, stuff happens. But with an AAACK Pack, you have them covered every single time! It really is the gift that keeps on giving!